Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Watch

Evening Headlines

  • Spain May Force Europe's Hand on Publishing Bank Stress Tests. The Bank of Spain’s decision to publish the results of stress tests on the nation’s lenders may force European neighbors to follow suit as investors demand more disclosure of the risks on banks’ books. “Pressure is increasing and now European countries need to consider whether to follow Spain,” said Daniel Hupfer, who helps manage $40 billion at M.M. Warburg in Hamburg, including shares of Deutsche Bank AG, BNP Paribas SA and Banco Santander SA. “Whether they will is hard to predict. Europe isn’t really seeing eye-to-eye right now.” Banking groups in Germany and the U.K. said disclosing details on specific institutions carried risks. Publishing the results may lead to a “run on a perfectly sound bank,” the British Bankers’ Association said in a statement. Germany’s BdB banking association, which represents more than 220 private firms, said making the findings public risks “misinterpretation.” Some analysts say the U.S. tests were designed to make sure none of the banks looked too good, or too bad. “What came out was reasonable, but it was more PR and psychology and the Europeans don’t do that kind of thing,” said Dirk Becker, a Frankfurt-based analyst at Kepler Capital Markets. Deutsche Bank Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said last week in Vienna that releasing the findings would be “very, very dangerous” unless mechanisms to support European banks were in place beforehand.
  • Taleb Calls Cameron 'Extraordinary' in New Statesman. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of “The Black Swan,” said British Prime Minister David Cameron is “the only thing we have left” to build a more robust economy, in an interview with the New Statesman magazine. Taleb, whose book is about how unforeseen events can roil markets, said that Cameron is “extraordinary” and “understands expert problems,” according to a transcript released by the London-based magazine. By contrast, “Barack Obama doesn’t have a clue.” After Taleb met Cameron for an hour in London, he told the New Statesman, “I went to Washington, and the discourse had nothing to do with the real problem. And I thought, ‘He’s the only thing we have left.’” Cameron’s government yesterday announced the formation of a panel to examine the future structure and regulation of banking, including the question of whether to split up retail and investment banks. Taleb praised his moves to cut the deficit. “You have to take some pain to remove the tumor,” he said. “It’s unethical for members of society today to spend their great-grandchildren’s money. Lower the level of debt, encourage equity, and you definancialize the economy.”
  • Copper Leads Metals Lower After U.S. Housing Starts Slump 10%. Copper declined for a second day after a drop in U.S. housing starts signaled slower demand for industrial metals. Zinc and nickel also fell. Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange fell as much as 1.8 percent to $6,530.25 a metric ton, and traded at $6,558 at 9:55 a.m. in Singapore.
  • Bullard Joins Two Colleagues Backing Derivatives Curb. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard joined two colleagues in support of a proposal by Senator Blanche Lincoln that would force commercial banks to wall off their swaps-trading desks. “St. Louis Fed President James Bullard is in support of Senator Blanche Lincoln’s derivatives reform amendment,” said Robert Schenk, the regional bank’s senior vice president for public affairs. The endorsement puts three of the Fed’s 12 regional presidents at odds with Chairman Ben S. Bernanke over the steps needed to curb risk-taking at the largest banks. The three officials, who also include Thomas Hoenig in Kansas City and Richard Fisher of Dallas, helped persuade lawmakers earlier this year to preserve the Fed’s supervisory role over smaller banks.
  • U.S. Lawmakers Seek Fiduciary Obligation for Brokers. In the debate over fiduciary duty, the House side of the conference committee offered a proposal that would require the Securities and Exchange Commission to impose the standard on brokers when they provide “personalized investment advice about securities to a retail customer.” The proposal would allow the SEC to extend the obligation to other customers. “I cannot foresee us giving in on fiduciary responsibility for individual investors,” Representative Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat who is leading the negotiations, told reporters today. The standard, which currently applies to money managers, would require brokers selling stocks and bonds to act in clients’ best interests and disclose all conflicts of interest.
  • Erdogan Rebuffs U.S. While Insisting Turkey Isn't Ally of Iran. Turkey under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan may be headed for more tension with the U.S. as it steers an increasingly independent course, enabled by a booming economy that lessens its dependence on the West. Erdogan says his embrace of nations such as Syria and Iran that the U.S. regards as adversaries doesn’t put him in that camp. Any suggestion that his country has broken with the West is “malicious propaganda,” he told a regional forum last week. Even so, the U.S. should anticipate increasing “friction” as Turkey seeks to raise its global profile, said Henri Barkey, a member of the State Department’s Middle East policy planning staff from 1998 to 2000. “We are going to see many more clashes between Turkey and the U.S.,” said Barkey, now a professor at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. “They are opening embassies everywhere, using trade as a major source of influence, trying to play a role in a whole series of international organizations and alliances.”
  • U.S. House Negotiators Rebuff Attempt to Revive Fed Audit Plan. U.S. House lawmakers negotiating an overhaul of financial regulation rebuffed an attempt by Republicans to revive a measure that would remove the Federal Reserve’s shield against audits of its interest-rate decisions. House members on a joint conference committee voted 12-7 against the Fed audit measure backed by Representative Ron Paul, a Republican from Texas. The proposal, part of legislation passed in December by the House, was rejected during Senate debate and isn’t in the text of a bill lawmakers are amending in House-Senate negotiations.
  • U.S. Won't Lift Deepwater Drilling Ban, Lawyers Tell Judge. The six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling ordered in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is essential to ensure public safety and shouldn’t be lifted, U.S. regulators said yesterday in a court filing. The lawsuit was originally filed June 7 by Covington, Louisiana-based Hornbeck. Since then more than it has been joined by more than a dozen companies that build rigs, operate supply-boat fleets, provide remotely-operated submarines, clean tanks, load cargo and provide other support for the 33 rigs drilling in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico when the ban was imposed. Many of the plaintiff companies are based near Port Fourchon, Louisiana, and have subsidiary operations scattered throughout the Louisiana coastal zone. Among these are Bollinger Shipyards Inc., Bee Mar LLC and Chouest Shipyard Companies, which along with Hornbeck collectively employ more than 13,000 workers and 7,000 vendors, according to court papers. “The potential immediate losses include, but are not limited to, the loss of 3,000 to 6,000 Louisiana jobs directly and indirectly related to the deepwater drilling operations at the 33 wells,” Hornbeck attorney Carl Rosenblum said in court papers June 9. “Lost wages for direct and indirect jobs lost could be over $165 million to $330 million per month for every month the 33 platforms are idle.”
Wall Street Journal:
  • Slippery Start: U.S. Response to Spill Falters. Officials Changed Their Minds on Key Moves, and Disagreements Flared Between Agencies; Boom Taken Away From Alabama. The federal government sprang into action early following the vast BP oil spill. But along the beaches and inlets of the Gulf, signs abound that the response has faltered. A Wall Street Journal examination of the government response, based on federal documents and interviews with White House, Coast Guard, state and local officials, reveals that confusion over what to do delayed some decision-making. There were disagreements among federal agencies and between national, state and local officials.
  • Inspector General Faults MMS Investigation of Gulf Spill. The U.S. agency in charge of regulating offshore oil drilling is carrying out its investigation of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in a "completely backwards" manner, and lacks sufficient guidelines and inspectors to police the industry's operations in the Gulf, the acting inspector general of the U.S. Interior Department is expected to tell a congressional panel Thursday. U.S. officials should also consider setting new ethics rules aimed at limiting the influence of oil and gas industry representatives over regulators, according to remarks prepared for delivery Thursday by Mary L. Kendall, the acting inspector general of Interior.
  • Bill Gives Public Workers Clout. The Senate is moving closer to passing legislation that would require states to grant public-safety employees, including police, firefighters and emergency medical workers, the right to collectively bargain over hours and wages.
  • Ex-SEC Aide to Represent Trader Group. A new group representing mostly high-frequency traders snagged a former Securities and Exchange Commission staffer this week by hiring the agency's former chief economist as its public face. Jim Overdahl, who left the SEC in March to join the economics firm NERA, will serve as a spokesman for a new arm of the Futures Industry Association, dubbed the FIA Principal Traders Group. The group consists of 25 member firms, many of which use some kind of high-frequency-trading strategies. Such trading is now under increased scrutiny in Washington following the May 6 "flash crash" in the stock market amid growing interest by regulators in the role of high-frequency trading in U.S. markets. This marks the second time in the past week that news arose about a former SEC staffer going through the "revolving door" into the high-frequency trading industry. Earlier it was reported that Elizabeth King, an SEC staffer who worked in the division now involved in looking at market structure issues, will work for the high-frequency trading firm Getco. Getco is one of the 25 firms who have joined the FIA's new trade group.
  • A Stealth Attack on Capital Gains. Congress has proposed a discriminatory 'enterprise value tax' on hedge funds and other partnerships. It is a threat to any business or industry that politicians decide is no longer popular. Buried in a Senate bill to extend health coverage to Americans struggling through the recession is a provision that would upend decades of established partnership law. It would single out particular types of businesses and penalize the entrepreneurs who have built them from scratch.
  • Natural Gas Spreads Spark New Amaranth Concern: Energy Markets. Trading patterns in natural-gas futures are fanning speculation of a repeat of the collapse four years ago of U.S. hedge fund Amaranth Advisors LLC. The premium for the futures contract expiring in March 2011 over the April 2011 contract surged to 43.3 cents per million British thermal units June 15 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the highest level since Feb. 19. The gap was 24.8 cents per million Btu as recently as the end of last week. The increase came even as U.S. inventories rose to their highest level for this time of year since at least 1993, when the government began collecting data. “This is peculiar behavior given that supplies are currently building at a comfortable pace,” Stephen Schork, president of consultant Schork Group Inc. in Villanova, Pennsylvania, wrote in a report yesterday. “We haven’t seen these particular spreads behave in such a manner since a prominent natural-gas trader morphed a $9 billion hedge fund, Amaranth, into a $3 billion fund in August 2006.”
  • Crude Politics. The drilling experts speak out on the Obama deepwater moratorium.
NY Times:
Business Insider:
Zero Hedge:
Charleston Daily Mail:
  • Senators Negotiating Financial Regulations Hold Industry Stocks. At least two-thirds of the U.S. senators drafting new financial regulations hold stock in banks or other companies affected by the legislation, such as Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co., disclosure statements show. Eight of the 12 senators on a conference committee formed to iron out differences between the House and Senate versions of the legislation reported that they owned stocks in financial companies. One of the dozen lawmakers got an extension of the filing deadline and hasn't yet disclosed stock holdings. Among the House's representatives on the conference panel, six of the 22 members who have filed forms reported owning financial stocks. An additional nine House members got filing extensions. The 43 negotiators are trying to complete the biggest overhaul of financial-industry rules since the Great Depression, responding to a 2008 economic crisis that forced the U.S. to provide $700 billion in bailout funds for Citigroup, Bank of America and other banks. The legislation, which passed the Senate last month and the House in December, is based on a proposal President Barack Obama sent to Congress a year ago.
The Detroit News:
  • Republican Seeks to Bar GM, Chrysler From Hiring Lobbyists. A Republican congressman will attempt Thursday to bar two domestic automakers and other government-owned companies from employing lobbyists. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, plans to introduce the amendment during a negotiating session Thursday between House and Senate members on a sweeping overhaul of the nation's financial system. The amendment would bar government-owned companies from employing lobbyists, said Kurt Bardella, a spokesman for Issa, including General Motors Co., Chrysler Group LLC and Ally Bank Inc. The proposal prompted urgent lobbying by the automakers on Capitol Hill.
LA Times:
Rasmussen Reports:
  • Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20 (see trends).
  • Pundits Boo President Obama Speech. President Barack Obama’s Oval Office address on the Gulf Coast catastrophe is being greeted with a barrage of criticism from commentators and political analysts across the ideological spectrum — the most intense negative reaction to any major public appearance he has given as president. If the goal was to change the widespread Washington storyline that Obama is not rising to the occasion for the BP debacle, it became clear within moments that the 18-minute speech was an emphatic failure — and not just among conservatives who predictably root for the president to fail. “Junk Shot,” blared the headline at Huffington Post. Salon took a similar theme: “Just words: Oval Office speech fizzles.” Generally sympathetic commentators Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews likewise honked with critical reviews on MSNBC.
  • Cassano Lawyers: SEC Closes Inquiry of AIG Exec. Lawyers for Joseph Cassano said Wednesday the Securities and Exchange Commission has decided to close its inquiry of the former head of AIG's financial products unit without taking any action against him. Word of the SEC's decision followed similar action by the Justice Department, which decided not to file criminal charges against Cassano, whose dealings in mortgage-related securities nearly bankrupted American International Group Inc.(AIG) and led to a controversial $182 billion federal bailout of the insurance titan. The Justice Department also had decided not to bring criminal charges against Andrew Forster, who worked for Cassano. The subsidiary dealt in complex financial contracts called credit default swaps that helped sink AIG in September 2008, leading to the taxpayer-funded bailout. Investigators were looking into whether Financial Products officials tried to deceive investors and AIG's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, by misstating the accounting value of a credit default swap portfolio. When AIG posted a loss for the fourth quarter of 2007, it pinned the blame on an $11 billion writedown related to the credit default swaps held by the Financial Products unit. If AIG couldn't make good on its promise to pay off the contracts, many of which were held by major banks, regulators feared the consequences would pose a threat to the whole U.S. financial system. The AIG bailout has drawn much public anger, largely because the company paid employees $165 million in retention bonuses after the company nearly failed and had to be bailed out by the government. A watchdog panel said last week it's still unclear whether U.S. taxpayers will ever fully recoup the $182 billion they plowed into AIG, and the government should have used up all its options before bailing out the company.
Financial Times:
  • BIS Wants OTC Derivatives Rated Like Drugs. Use of over-the-counter derivatives should be controlled according to their degree of safety in the same way that drugs are regulated, a top official at the Bank for International Settlements said. Stephen Cecchetti, head of the Basel-based body’s monetary and economic department, said in New York on Wednesday that the idea would be to “balance the need for innovation in financial instruments with the need to limit the capacity of any individual security to weaken the whole system”. He told a conference at Columbia University: “The solution is some form of product registration that would constrain the use of instruments according to their degree of safety.” He said the “safest” securities would be available to everyone, much like non-prescription medicines. Next would be financial instruments available only to those with a licence, like prescription drugs. Finally would come securities available “only in limited amounts to qualified professionals and institutions, like drugs in experimental trials”. Securities “at the lowest level of safety” would be deemed illegal, Mr Cecchetti said, without specifying what that level would be. Mr Cecchetti’s are among the most innovative of suggestions so far on how to bring the vast OTC derivatives markets under closer supervision and to ensure they are traded and processed more transparently to safeguard the wider financial system.
  • Spanish Debt Wilts Amid 250 Billion Euro Rescue Plan Confusion. The spreads on 10-year Spanish bonds jumped to a post-EMU high of 224 basis points above German Bunds as traders brace for a crucial auction by Madrid on Thursday. The relentless rise in bond yields replicates the pattern seen in Greece at the onset of crisis. Spain must raise €25bn of debt in a cluster of auctions in July. "We're in a dangerous and stressful situation," said Gary Jenkins, a credit expert at Evolution Securities. "Spain is a big enough borrower to wipe out the EU's rescue fund." El Economista said officials from the EU, the IMF, and the US Treasury had been discussing a credit line of €200bn to €250bn, dwarfing the €110bn package for Greece. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF's managing director, reportedly called a secret meeting of the IMF's Board of Directors to tackle the crisis. The loan terms would be softer than the draconian budget cuts imposed on Greece, with the lion's share of the money coming from eurozone states under their €750bn shield. "The issue here is political risk. If they keep bailing out countries, it will mean printing money: that is not going to go down well in Germany," he said. Theodora Zemek from AXA Investment Managers said any rescue will have knock-on effects on the credit ratings of donor states. "Germany and France risk going from AAA to AA," she said. The original hope behind the EU's €750bn "shock and awe" headline was that the announcement of such sums would end all doubts about the political solidarity behind the euro project, but nationalist body-language from EU capitals and daily spats between France and Germany have sapped confidence. What haunts markets is fear that Spain may be the last line of defence. There can be no easy rescues after that because the money will run out. If investors ever start to question Italy's public debt – the world's third largest – they may face a sovereign version of the Credit Anstalt crisis of 1931.
Tokyo Shimbun:
  • Toyota Motor(TM) will face a U.S. Congressional probe in September as lawmakers seek to further investigate the company's global vehicle recalls, citing an interview with Representative Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat.
China Forex Magazine:
  • China will strengthen scrutiny of hot money inflows into the nation to prevent the formation of asset bubbles, Wang Xiaoyi, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, wrote in an article. The nation's economic growth is still mainly supported by government policy, Wang wrote. Realizing stable and growing foreign demand for Chinese products may become more difficult, Wang wrote.
People's Daily:
  • The "made-in-China" model is facing a turning point as China transitions from a subsistence wage to a consumer society, Tang Jun, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote.
Australian Financial Review:
  • Australian banks plan to seek the sale of commercial buildings worth billions of dollars in the next six months as they cut their exposure to property companies.
Evening Recommendations
  • None of note
Night Trading
  • Asian indices are -.50% to +.25% on average.
  • Asia Ex-Japan Investment Grade CDS Index 131.0 -2.0 basis points.
  • S&P 500 futures -.47%.
  • NASDAQ 100 futures -.41%.
Morning Preview Links

Earnings of Note
  • (PIR)/-.02
  • (SFD)/.16
  • (SJM)/.80
  • (ATU)/.27
  • (JW/A)/.45
  • (KR)/.54
Economic Releases
8:30 am EST
  • The Consumer Price Index for May is estimated to fall -.2% versus a -.1% decline in April.
  • The CPI Ex Food & Energy for May is estimated to rise +.1% versus unch. in April.
  • Initial Jobless Claims for last week are estimated to fall to 450K versus 456K the prior week.
  • Continuing Claims are estimated to rise to 4500K versus 4462K prior.
  • The 1Q Current Account Deficit is estimated to widen to -$121.9B versus -$115.6B in 4Q.
10:00 am EST
  • Philly Fed for June is estimated to fall to 20.0 versus a reading of 21.4 in May.
  • Leading Indicators for May are estimated to rise +.4% versus a -.1% decline in April.
Upcoming Splits
  • None of note
Other Potential Market Movers
  • The weekly EIA natural gas inventory report, William Blair Growth Stock Conference, Goldman Sachs Healthcare Conference, (STM) analyst meeting, (MCK) analyst meeting and the (VRX) investor day could also impact trading today.
BOTTOM LINE: Asian indices are mostly lower, weighed down by commodity and automaker shares in the region. I expect US stocks to open mixed and to weaken into the afternoon, finishing modestly lower. The Portfolio is 75% net long heading into the day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today's Headlines


  • Regulatory Overhaul Won't Stop Next Crisis, Say Levitt, Breeden. Congress’s proposed overhaul of U.S. bank regulation wouldn’t have averted the 2008 financial crisis and does too little to prevent a recurrence, two former chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission said. Legislation being refined by a House-Senate conference after passage by both chambers relies too heavily on regulators such as the Federal Reserve that previously failed, said Richard Breeden, who led the SEC from 1989 to 1993. Congress failed to address emerging threats, such as abuses in the municipal-bond market, that might trigger the next meltdown, said Arthur Levitt, who was SEC chairman from 1993 to 2001. “There was massively too much leverage within the financial system,” Breeden said at a Bloomberg Link Boards & Risk Conference in Washington yesterday. “Regulators had the authority to control that and eliminate it. We can keep passing laws, but if the regulators don’t have the backbone to enforce the rules and to be realistic, then that’s a different problem.”
  • Fed Officials May Trim U.S. Growth Outlook on Europe Risks. Federal Reserve officials may trim forecasts for U.S. economic growth when they meet next week to set interest rates as Europe’s debt crisis saps demand for American goods and roils financial markets. Central bankers may reduce their 2010 estimates by “several tenths” of a percentage point and as much as 0.75 point for 2011, said former Fed Governor Lyle Gramley. That would mark a reversal from April, when officials raised their projections for this year to a range of 3.2 percent to 3.7 percent and left 2011 and 2012 forecasts little changed. The new estimates are likely to reinforce the Fed’s pledge, in place since March 2009, that interest rates will stay very low for an “extended period,” said former Fed researcher John Ryding. Some Fed officials are concerned that results of stress tests planned for European banks may further shake confidence in the continent’s financial system.
  • The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of commodity-shipping costs that's tumbled 28% during its longest losing streak this year, may decline further, according to technical analysis by Barclays Capital. The gauge fell to 3,020 points yesterday, extending a 13-day fall on speculation weaker Chinese construction may curb raw material demand.
  • Iran Vows 'Retaliation' for UN Sanctions Compliance. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened “retaliation” against any country that acts to enforce the latest United Nations nuclear sanctions against Iran, while the parliament in Tehran is considering a bill to reduce UN inspections of its atomic facilities. “Any country that would damage Iran’s interests because of the sanctions will face Iran’s severe retaliation,” the Iranian president said today in an address televised live by the state broadcaster from the city of Shahrekord. Iran denounced the sanctions after they were approved, with Ahmadinejad saying the measures should be “thrown into the trash bin like a used tissue.” “We will set conditions for dialogue in order to discipline you,” Ahmadinejad said today, referring to the Security Council member nations that approved the sanctions. The vote was 12 to 2, with two abstentions. He said the Persian Gulf country will announce its conditions “soon.”
  • Spanish, Portuguese Bonds Decline on Debt, Austerity Concern. The Spanish and Portuguese bonds fell relative to German bunds amid deepening concern the nations’ economic growth will be curtailed by spending cuts needed to reduce their budget deficits.premium that investors demand to hold Spanish 10-year government bonds over German bunds rose to a euro-era record. The European Union today “firmly” denied a report that the International Monetary Fund, the EU and the U.S. Treasury are putting together a credit line of as much as 250 billion euros ($307 billion) for Spain’s government. Spanish and Portuguese debt levels may “snowball” in coming years and more budget cuts are needed, according to a draft European Commission document obtained by Bloomberg yesterday. “The European Commission draft suggests bigger problems in the periphery, and the market is looking for the next Greece,” said Steven Major, global head of fixed-income research at HSBC Holdings Plc in London. The yield premium for Spanish 10-year government bonds over German bunds rose 14 basis points to 220 basis points, the widest spread since before the euro’s debut in 1999. Greek 30-year bonds fell, with the price of the benchmark closing below 50 for the first time since it was issued in 2007. Spain faces 16.2 billion euros of bond redemptions next month and the decline in its debt in secondary markets means it will have to offer higher returns to attract investors. Spain plans to sell 3.5 billion euros of 2020 and 2041 bonds tomorrow in a test of market sentiment toward the Mediterranean nation.
  • FedEx(FDX) Outlook Trails Estimates as Employee Costs Rise. FedEx Corp., the world’s largest air-cargo carrier, forecast annual profit that trailed analysts’ estimates as rising health-care and pension costs climb in a “moderate” economic recovery. Earnings for the fiscal year that began June 1 will be $4.40 to $5 a share, the Memphis, Tennessee-based company said today. Analysts projected $5.07, the average of 21 estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Profit this quarter will be 85 cents to $1.05, compared with the average analysts’ projection of $1.02.
  • Fannie, Freddie Plunge After Moving to Delist Shares. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage firms 80 percent owned by U.S. taxpayers, plunged after regulators told them to delist their common and preferred stock from the New York Stock Exchange. The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which has overseen the two companies since 2008, ordered the moves as a preemptive step after the New York Stock Exchange told Washington-based Fannie Mae that its shares no longer met listing standards, FHFA Acting Director Edward DeMarco said today.
  • Democrats Say Climate Bill Lacks Momentum After Spill. The BP Plc oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is unlikely to create enough momentum to pass a comprehensive climate bill sought by President Barack Obama, say leading Senate Democrats. Many Democrats don’t want to vote in this election year on whether to cap the greenhouse-gas emissions linked to climate change, saying they prefer to work in the coming months on legislation directly responding to the spill. “The climate bill isn’t going to stop the oil leak,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat. “The first thing you have to do is stop the oil leak.”

Wall Street Journal:
  • BP(BP) to Set Aside $20 Billion for Claims. President Barack Obama, after emerging from a meeting with top BP PLC executives, said the company will put $20 billion into an independently administered fund to help pay for claims as a result of the Gulf oil disaster. BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said after the meeting that the company wouldn't pay further dividends this year and will look after the people of the Gulf coast. He said he wanted to apologize to those affected by an oil disaster he acknowledged should have never happened. He said the company would do its own probe of what caused the catastrophe. Mr. Obama called the meeting "constructive" and said BP voluntarily agreed to set aside an additional $100 million for workers who lost their jobs as a result of a deep-water drilling moratorium. Mr. Obama said the $20 billion is not a cap, and added that BP will pay the full costs of the cleanup including environmental damage. The president met with executives of BP, including its chairman and Chief Executive Tony Hayward, for several hours at the White House Wednesday morning. Mr. Obama said "BP is a strong and viable company and it is in all of our interests that it remains so."
  • History Shows BP(BP) Will Survive and Prosper After Oil Spill. Will BP survive the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? History says it can. While some investors have concerns about BP’s ability to pay for the lawsuits and clean costs associated with the spill, history suggests reputational damage is not likely to threaten the British energy giant’s long term business. Just look at how Union Carbide survived its Bhopal India gas leak disaster in December 1984.
  • Afghanistan Invites Firms to Develop Mines. Afghanistan has invited 200 global companies for the development of its mines and a number of Indian companies are keen to participate, the country's mines minister said Tuesday.
  • Greek Union Boss Envisages Further Strikes. Greece’s most powerful union leader, Giannis Panagopoulos, is not a hot head who fires off needless threats of industrial action. Even so, he has promised to call yet more paralyzing strikes which would likely spark another round of street riots.
Business Insider:
Apple Insider:
  • iPhone 4 Demand Predicted to Drive Apple(AAPL) to 9.5M June Quarter Sales. With record breaking demand for the new iPhone 4 on the first day of preorders, one prominent analyst believes Apple will sell 9.5 million total handsets in the June quarter, while a new breakdown of preorders suggests popularity of the 16GB model. Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray issued a note to investors on Wednesday, in which he increased his June quarter iPhone sales estimate by 1 million, to 9.5 million.
The Hill:
  • New York House Members Oppose Lincoln Derivatives Measure. New York House members are urging Congress to drop a controversial provision in the Wall Street overhaul that restricts banks' derivatives trading. The provision aims to bar depository banks from also running derivatives desks. Umbrella bank holding companies would be able to own derivatives affiliates under the measure. "We are deeply concerned by the very real possibility that, as a result of the Senate derivatives provisions, America's largest financial institutions will move their $600 trillion derivatives business overseas, at the expense of both the U.S. economy, as well as the economy of New York State and New York City," the lawmakers wrote. The letter is organized by New York Democratic Reps. Mike McMahon and Gary Ackerman. The derivatives business is highly concentrated among the largest Wall Street banks.
Market Folly:
  • Fed Could Emerge Intact From Wall Street Reform Debate. After suffering more than a year of abuse over its role in the financial crisis, the U.S. Federal Reserve is poised to emerge with its powers relatively intact as lawmakers finalize a sweeping overhaul of financial regulations. With congressional elections looming in November, Democrats in charge of the process say the House of Representatives and Senate bills are relatively close. They aim to finish hammering out differences in the two versions by June 24 so President Barack Obama can sign the reforms into law by early July.
Hospodarske Noviny:
  • A Czech fiscal austerity plan proposed by Finance Minister Eduard Janota may raise taxes for everyone regardless of income by reducing the size of the deductions on income tax, citing the document. The plan, likely to be accepted by the new government, includes raising the value-added tax to 12% from 10%, imposing higher taxes on individuals with a monthly income exceeding $6,770, freezing pensions and slashing child subsidies.
The Australian:
  • Housing Market a 'Time Bomb', Says Investment Legend. THE Australian and British housing markets are the last two bubbles left in the wake of the financial crisis, and it is only a matter of time before they crash, warns legendary US investor and co-founder of global investment management firm GMO, Jeremy Grantham. He said yesterday that Australia had an unmistakable housing bubble and that prices would need to come down by 42 per cent to return to the long-term trend. "You cannot possibly miss it," he said. "The price of housing typically trades about 3.5 times of family income and in bubble it goes to 6 or . . . 7.5 (times). "Australia is having one now. You are at near 7.5 times family income . . . which suggests you are twice the size that you should be." In Australia's case, Mr Grantham described the housing market as a "time bomb" just waiting for interest rates to increase and become impossible to support. Since last October, the Reserve Bank of Australia has raised the official cash rate six times. The rate is now 4.5 per cent. If the Australian housing market did not return to the normal multiple of family income, he said "it will be the first time in history." "Sooner or later, the rates will go up and the game is over."

Bear Radar

Style Underperformer:

  • Mid-Cap Value (+.01%)
Sector Underperformers:
  • Gaming (-1.14%), Hospitals (-.73%) and Papers (-.73%)
Stocks Falling on Unusual Volume:
Stocks With Unusual Put Option Activity:
  • 1) FDX 2) FRE 3) MTW 4) SIRI 5) RVBD
Stocks With Most Negative News Mentions:
  • 1) DDS 2) MYL 3) NSC 4) XOM 5) GIS

Bull Radar

Style Outperformer:

  • Large-Cap Growth (+.11%)
Sector Outperformers:
  • Airlines (+1.25%), Education (+1.13%) and Oil Service (+.96%)
Stocks Rising on Unusual Volume:
Stocks With Unusual Call Option Activity:
  • 1) TEX 2) LXK 3) XLB 4) ESI 5) NWSA
Stocks With Most Positive News Mentions:
  • 1) AAPL 2) FDX 3) NOK 4) BA 5) SUN

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday Watch

Evening Headlines

  • China Property Bubble to Burst 'Quickly,' Nomura Says. The “bubble” in China’s property market is going to burst very quickly, with prices set to fall as much as 20 percent in the next 12 to 18 months, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. “If you look at housing prices to disposable income in Beijing and Shanghai, they are 13, 14 times,” said Sun, whose team was ranked third in Institutional Investor’s 2010 Asian poll for China research. “There’s no way you can say there’s no bubble.” The China Banking Regulatory Commission warned of growing credit risks in the nation’s real-estate industry and increasing pressures of non-performing loans. Risks associated with home mortgages are growing and a “chain effect” may reappear in real-estate development loans, according to its annual report published on its website yesterday. China’s domestic stock markets have been closed for a three-day holiday since the start of the week. The Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 22 percent this year, the worst performer in Asia. A gauge tracking property stocks on the benchmark measure has declined 28 percent, the most among five industry groups.
  • U.S., South Korea Tell North Korea to Stop Provocative Rhetoric. The U.S. and South Korea told North Korea to stop provocative behavior after the communist nation said it will respond militarily to any accusation by the United Nations of complicity in the sinking of a South Korean warship. “If the Security Council releases any document against us, condemning us or questioning us, I myself can do nothing, but follow-up measures will be carried out by our military forces,” North Korea’s Ambassador to the UN, Sin Son Ho, told reporters yesterday in New York. Sin refused to rule out the use of his nation’s nuclear weapons, saying they are a “deterrent because we are always threatened.” North Korea’s rhetoric is “not desirable,” Kim Young Sun, a spokesman for South Korea’s Foreign Ministry, said today in Seoul. Kim Jong Il’s government should act responsibly, U.S. State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley said in Washington yesterday.
  • Mexico Army Fights Gang in Tourist Town, Killing as Many as 15. Mexican soldiers confronted an armed group today in the city of Taxco, killing as many as 15 people, the state attorney general said. “They’re verifying between 14 and 15 people killed in this clash,” Guerrero state Attorney General Albertico Guinto said, according to an audio recording of his remarks e-mailed by his office. He said the soldiers were carrying out a search operation in the town, which is popular with tourists for its historic role in the silver trade.
  • Australia Resource Tax Will Be 40%, Ferguson Says. Australia’s resource tax rate will be 40 percent and won’t be set at different levels for various commodities, Resources Minister Martin Ferguson said as companies look for a compromise on how the levy will be applied. “We’re not talking about different tax rates,” Ferguson told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio today. There will be “generous transitional arrangements” for existing projects and “there will be a headline rate of 40 percent.” Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has seen public support drop since announcing his proposed 40 percent tax on the “super profits” of resource projects, a levy mining companies say will stall investment in an industry that in April accounted for 57 percent of the value of goods exported.
  • Commercial Property to Stay 40% From Peak, Pimco Says. U.S. commercial property values are rebounding slowly and may remain as much as 40 percent below their 2007 peak levels, Pacific Investment Management Co. said. More than $500 billion of real estate will hit the market as lenders dispose of assets or restructure debt on properties where valuations have dropped below loan levels, keeping “general” prices down for three to five years, Newport Beach, California-based Pimco, which runs the world’s biggest bond fund, said on its website. “Capital is clearly returning to commercial real estate, helping to stem the value decline in the sector,” Pimco said in a report based on research in 10 cities. “Optimism should be tempered, because national price indices are misleading when transactions are limited and fail to reflect the significant uncertainty around property valuations.” High unemployment, potential re-regulation and an increased savings rate are among factors that will “lengthen the deleveraging process and suppress a recovery,” Pimco said in the report dated June 2010 and led by John Murray, commercial real estate portfolio manager.
Wall Street Journal:
  • Obama Vows Spill Fix. President Barack Obama used his first Oval Office address Tuesday to outline a plan for an oil spill "assaulting our shores and our citizens" that looked beyond containing the gusher to securing full restitution from BP PLC, refashioning federal supervision of the oil industry and ending the nation's dependence on fossil fuels. Mr. Obama named Michael R. Bromwich, a Washington lawyer touted as a government agency turnaround specialist, to lead the reorganization of the scandal-plagued Minerals Management Service, whose lax oversight of offshore drilling is blamed in part for the blowout of the BP-owned well. The president promised to restore the Gulf not just to the condition it was in when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded April 20 but to a state that reverses decades of decline. He appointed Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, a former Mississippi governor, to develop a long-term plan for Gulf Coast restoration. And Mr. Obama emphasized his demand that BP establish a restitution fund with "whatever resources are required," controlled by an independent administrator, to handle claims from Gulf communities fairly and quickly. He accused the company of "recklessness" ahead of a planned meeting Wednesday with BP's chairman and its chief executive officer. Republicans accused him of exploiting the crisis to promote an unwanted energy policy that, in prior proposals from the president, would cap the emission of greenhouse gases and force polluters to buy and trade emissions credits. "The White House may view this oil spill as an opportunity to push its agenda in Washington, but Americans are more concerned about what it plans to do to solve the crisis at hand,'' said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, Ky.). Rep. Darrell Issa (R, Calif.) faulted the president for glancing over a major issue affecting the Gulf: Protecting the jobs and workers at risk from his six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling. "The politics of this crisis should not result in the permanent loss of tens of thousands of American jobs,'' Mr. Issa said. Mr. Obama spoke even as the sense of crisis in the Gulf escalated. The government again upgraded its estimate of the amount of oil flowing from the well Tuesday, to as much as 60,000 barrels a day, 12 times the rate thought a month ago. But the president insisted the gusher was coming under control. BP would be capturing 90% of the flow "in the coming days and weeks," he said.
  • BP(BP) Protests Threaten Independent Dealers. Protests and boycotts of the BP brand generated by the Gulf spill aren't likely to have a big immediate impact on BP PLC, but could threaten the thousands of entrepreneurs who have staked their livelihoods on the company's name. Nearly all the 10,000 service stations around the U.S. flying the BP flag are owned by independent dealers that are obligated under long-term contracts to sell BP-branded fuel. Some worry that mounting anger over the spill's environmental and economic toll could turn the once-highly coveted brand into a liability. BP stations in Florida immediately saw consumers turning away after the leak began in late April. Total sales at BP stations there declined 8%-10% in May compared with last year, while competitors benefited from additional traffic, said Jim Smith, president of the Florida Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores Association. The magnitude of the sales declines "means that we are going to have a lot of small business owners going out of business," he said.
  • New Spin on Derivatives Debate. Moving a bad piece of cheese around different drawers in the fridge won't make it taste any better. Lawmakers working on the financial-overhaul bill should remember that as they finalize parts of the legislation that aim to make banks' derivatives businesses safer. Right now, U.S. banks, mostly a few giants, have $276 trillion in over-the-counter derivatives, instruments that don't trade on exchanges. Most of these derivatives are within commercial-bank subsidiaries that enjoy federal deposit insurance. Thus, the banks effectively enjoy a government subsidy that likely distorts prices and allows them to hold too little capital against the derivatives. An amendment sponsored by Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D., Ark.), which was opposed by banks but made it into the Senate bill nonetheless, aimed to force banks to spin off most derivatives trading into new affiliates separate from insured bank subsidiaries. But that might not get rid of the subsidy problem, because the top derivatives banks are still so big that the government would almost certainly rescue them—and their derivatives affiliates—if they collapsed. Nicole Gelinas, of the Manhattan Institute, counters that there is a better way to reduce over-the-counter derivatives risk. That is to force nearly all of them onto exchanges. Banks would then effectively have to hold more cash against their trades. Of course, provisions to increase exchange trading are in the legislation. But, in practice, their efficacy may rely on how tough regulators want to be. And that is why Sen. Lincoln's affiliate idea is worth retaining. If it creates a distinct structure that discloses capital and other key data, the market may be able to police it.
  • High Default Rate Seen for Modified Mortgages. Fitch Ratings Ltd. forecasts that most borrowers who get lower mortgage payments under a federal government program will default within 12 months. Among those with loans that aren't backed by any federal agency, the redefault rate within a year is likely to be 65% to 75% under the Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, according to a report to be released Wednesday by Fitch, a New York-based credit-rating firm. Almost all of those who got loan modifications have already defaulted once.
Bloomberg Businessweek:
  • Foreign Investors Selling Off Asia Stocks: Report. Some major Asian stock markets saw a sudden swing to net selling by foreign investors in May for the first time in more than a year, according to a report Wednesday. Foreign investors sold a net $20 billion of shares in the combined markets of Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan, Japan's Nikkei business daily reported, citing a study by Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.
  • Federal Reserve Caps Credit-Card Penalty Fees at $25. Consumers, particularly those who are consistently late in paying their credit-card bills, now can breathe a sigh of relief: The Federal Reserve said Tuesday it is limiting penalty fees to no more than $25 in most cases as well as banning so-called "inactivity" fees.
NY Times:
  • Stimulus Bond Program Has Unforeseen Costs. They are supposed to help states and cities that are short of cash build roads, schools and bridges. But Build America Bonds, part of President Obama’s economic stimulus plan, are also building something else: controversy. States and cities have embraced these taxable bonds to borrow money at what they assume are favorable interest rates. The federal government pays 35 percent of the interest costs on the bonds, a huge potential saving. But questions about this multibillion-dollar program are piling up. For one, Wall Street banks are charging larger commissions for selling Build America Bonds than they do for normal municipal bonds, increasing the costs to the states and cities. For another, the new bonds may be priced too cheaply, enabling quick-footed investors to turn a fast profit as the prices climb, but raising interest costs for taxpayers.
Zero Hedge:
  • Too Big to Fails Remain Immune From Reform, There Is "No Way to Break Them Up" When Need Arises. When (not if) the need arises to dismantle the TBTFs, full of noncashflow producing loans, the next time around we have a Flashiest Crash, we will have no way to do so, despite the widely propagandized Obama FinReg reform. These are the words of Obama's right shoulder man Paul Volcker, who on William Isaac's program earlier noted that proposed legislation is "not going to prevent the top five banks from being saved." In that sense, the primary goal of Obama's attempt to overhaul financial regulations: the prevention of taxpayer bailouts when banks implode, is a miserable failure, yet it will not stop countless hours of self-congratulatory, teleprompterized appearances by the president, the Congressman from Fannie Mae and the Senator from Countrywide. In other news, the bankers win again, and nothing changes. Next up: how to get bank leverage to 100x all over again, without alerting the general public that next (if not this) year's bonuses will be once again fully funded by the US middle class.
  • Barney Frank Once Again Sides With Bernanke, Announces Proposed Fed Audit Will Be Materially Curbed. This way the American public will never know whether someone like Goldman Sachs (in addition to Jerome Kerviel) has had any influence in determining monetary policy.
Absolute Return + Alpha:
Atlanta Journal Constitution:
  • Oil Spill Worse for Obama Than Katrina for Bush? In Louisiana, at least, it may be true. This poll from left-leaning Public Policy Polling may prove nothing more than the notion that the present crisis is always the biggest crisis. But the result is nonetheless stunning: Our new Louisiana poll has a lot of data points to show how unhappy voters in the state are with Barack Obama’s handling of the oil spill but one perhaps sums it up better than anything else — a majority of voters there think George W. Bush did a better job with Katrina than Obama’s done dealing with the spill. 50% of voters in the state, even including 31% of Democrats, give Bush higher marks on that question compared to 35% who pick Obama. Overall only 32% of Louisianans approve of how Obama has handled the spill to 62% who disapprove. 34% of those polled say they approved of how Bush dealt with Katrina to 58% who disapproved.
The Hill:
  • Centrist House Dems Oppose Lincoln Derivatives Measure. Centrist House Democrats are pressing lawmakers to remove a controversial Wall Street overhaul provision requiring banks to wall off derivatives trading. The New Democrat Coalition, a group of 69 "centrist" House Democrats, is preparing a letter that will urge lawmakers to drop the provision, championed by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.). Members are still collecting signatures for the letter.
  • GOP Health Care Repeal Vote Fails. A Republican effort to repeal the individual mandate in the Democrats’ health care overhaul failed Tuesday afternoon on a largely partisan vote. Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee, called for the repeal under a “motion to recommit” — a parliamentary tool often used by the minority party to change bills on the House floor. Never mind that the bill Camp is using for this maneuver is a small business tax bill — Republicans wanted to get Democrats on the record once again saying they back a law that requires uninsured Americans to purchase health insurance. The procedural motion never really had a shot at passing, but that wasn't the Republicans' point. The vote was 187-230, with 21 Democrats voting to roll back the individual mandate.
  • Despite Oil Woes, Louisiana Wants Rig Ban Lifted. Anger at BP Plc (BP) is intense in southern Louisiana as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill keeps fishermen from making their living, but many feel a six-month ban on all deep water oil drilling is going too far. The governor, local politicians and many fishermen, shrimpers and oystermen say the Obama administration's moratorium will do more harm than good in communities where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf, and across the state. "It's not only hurting us, it's hurting people who work on those jobs," shrimper Anthony Bourgeois, who has often found extra work in the oil patch, said in Venice, Louisiana. "This puts us out of work and it's going to put them out of work. You can't blame all oil companies for what one did." Caller after caller to radio talk shows blast the ban. The Louisiana state government, fearing a big economic loss, set up an online petition that now has more than 86,000 signatures.
  • BofA(BAC) to Limit Duration of Trades with BP(BP). Bank of America Merrill Lynch has ordered its traders not to enter into oil trades with BP Plc (BP) that extend beyond June 2011, a market source familiar with the directive told Reuters. The directive didn't state a reason for the limit on longer-duration trades with the oil company, which comes as the British oil giant scrambles to stop an oil spill in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico for which it could eventually face billions of dollars in economic liabilities.
  • Questions on Afghan Strategy Touch Nerve in Pentagon.
  • Ratings Agencies Dodge Bullet in Wall Street Reform Bill. Credit-rating agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's dodged a bullet on Tuesday as lawmakers decided to strip out a provision in the Wall Street reform bill that would have upended their business model.
Financial Times:
  • Spanish Banks Break ECB Loan Record. Spanish banks are borrowing record amounts from the European Central Bank as the country’s financial institutions struggle to gain funding from the international capital markets. Spanish banks borrowed €85.6bn ($105.7bn) from the ECB last month. This was double the amount lent to them before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and 16.5 per cent of net eurozone loans offered by the central bank. This is the highest amount since the launch of the eurozone in 1999 and a disproportionately large share of the emergency funds provided by the euro’s monetary guardian, according to analysis by Royal Bank of Scotland and Evolution. Spanish banks account for 11 per cent of the eurozone banking system. The rise in borrowing from €74.6bn in April, or 14.4 per cent of the net liquidity pumped by the ECB into the eurozone financial system, provides further evidence of the acute tensions in the Spanish banking system. “If the suspicion that funding markets are being closed down to Spanish banks and corporations is correct, then you can reasonably expect the share of ECB liquidity accounted for by the country to have risen further this month,” said Nick Matthews, European economist at RBS. Some investors believe the difficulties increase the chances that Spain will have to use emergency loans from the newly created €440bn stability fund.
  • Subprime Consumers Hit at Goldman(GS). Goldman Sachs is facing a wave of complaints from consumers over the business practices of its mortgage servicing unit, a subsidiary that collects payments on hundreds of thousands of loans worth tens of billions of dollars. Goldman bought Litton Loan Servicing – a Houston, Texas, specialist in collecting money from high-risk borrowers – in December 2007, a year after the bank decided to reduce its exposure to the US housing market. The deal gave Goldman a new way to earn fees from subprime borrowers and provided it with a street-level view of conditions in the US housing market as the financial crisis deepened.It also put the Wall Street bank in the unusual position of facing hundreds of complaints from mainstream consumers, who allege that Litton unfairly charged them money. “Litton saw a great opportunity to make a lot of money by collecting servicing fees on troubled loans,” said Dan Parsons, president of the Houston chapter of the Better Business Bureau, a non-profit group that promotes responsible business practices. “But when Litton takes over a loan, the borrower tends to be worse off.” Consumer Affairs, a website that tracks consumer problems, said it had received 390 complaints against Litton in the past year, a 60 per cent rise over the prior 12 months, and more than triple the number logged against some similar-sized competitors. Many complaints against Litton come from consumers who say they entered into “trial” mortgage modification programmes that reduced their payments, only to find out later that they had been denied a permanent modification and owed more money than they would have if they had not entered the programme.
  • Bank Levy Seen as Threat to City Jobs Recovery. A potential levy on banks coupled with eurozone debt threatens to hold back the recovery in the City’s jobs market, recruiters and bankers have warned. Demand for staff in London’s financial services sector has been one of the bright spots in the labour market in recent months, underlined by figures on Wednesday from Morgan McKinley, a City recruitment specialist, showing that new job opportunities rose 82 per cent last month compared with a year ago. Andrew Evans, the managing director of Morgan McKinley’s financial services division, said: “The recruitment market is very much affected by confidence. Potential increases in taxes, levies and potential economic issues – which I assume we are going to see continue in Europe for some time yet – are going to damp confidence, which could therefore affect the recruitment market.” A quarter of 422 bankers surveyed by, a jobs website, said they would be forced to seek work overseas or change sector if direct taxes on banks reduced the size of the profit pool. Almost half said any higher taxes on bonuses would make them look elsewhere.
  • Spain Plays High-Stakes Poker Game with Germany as Borrowing Costs Surge. Spain has upped the ante in a high-stakes poker game with Germany, pushing for the release of EU stress test results for major banks in a move that risks precipitiating a dramatic escalation of Europe's financial crisis. "We're not afraid of transparency," said the Spanish Banking Association (AEB), saying the full truth would put an end to rumours battering Spain's instutitions. El Pais reported that the government backs the initiative, putting it on a collision course with Germany which insists on secrecy. Josef Ackermann, head of Deutsche Bank, warned last week that it would be "very dangerous" to publish the results of each bank, fearing that it would trigger flight from weak lenders and set off a chain reaction. The Spanish authorities have little to lose by publishing the data given the near paralysis in the country's debt markets. Funding is frozen for much of the private sector. Spain was pummeled yet again on Tuesday as credit default swaps (CDS) measuring bond risk on Spanish debt jumped to 245 basis points, approaching an all-time high. An auction of Spanish debt yesterday underlined how fast the situation is deteriorating. Yields on one-year debt reached 2.45pc compared to 0.9pc as recently as April, suggesting that the markets do not view the EU's €750bn rescue shield as credible. Francisco Gonzalez, chairman of BBVA, stunned investors earlier this week by admitting that "the majority of the Spanish companies and financial groups are shut out of the international capital markets". He said the country's external debt had reached €1.5 trillion or 147pc of GDP, much of it on short-term maturities. "This debt has become our most overwhelming problem, since €600bn falls due this year," he said. Analysts say the call for release of the stress test results is a veiled attack on Germany, retaliation for German media reports – fed by sources in Berlin – claiming that Spain is about to tap the EU's bail-out fund. Spain's two heavyweights, Santander and BBVA, are well capitalised, though there are concerns that Spain's accounting rules mask the full horror of bad debts in the property sector. The problem lies with savings banks or cajas that are not part of the EU test. These are being kept afloat by the European Central Bank, with loans equal to 20pc of their balance sheets. By contrast, some German banks may look very ugly. An internal memo last year by the regulator BaFin feared that write-offs might reach €800bn. German banks have accumulated a double set of loses from both US subprime and the Club Med debt crisis. They have the lowest risk-adjusted capital ratios in the world after Japan and have not exploited the global rally to rebuild their base.
Evening Recommendations
  • None of note
Night Trading
  • Asian indices are +.75% to +1.25% on average.
  • Asia Ex-Japan Investment Grade CDS Index 133.0 -5.0 basis points.
  • S&P 500 futures -.18%.
  • NASDAQ 100 futures -.17%.
Morning Preview Links

Earnings of Note
  • (IHS)/.73
  • (FDX)/1.32
Economic Releases
8:30 am EST
  • The Producer Price Index for May is estimated to fall -.5% versus a -.1% decline in April.
  • The PPI Ex Food & Energy for May is estimated to rise +.1% versus a +.2% gain in April.
  • Housing Starts for May are estimated to fall to 648K versus 672K in April.
  • Building Permits for May are estimated to rise to 625K versus 606K in April.
9:15 am EST
  • Industrial Production for May is estimated to rise +.9% versus a +.8% gain in April.
  • Capacity Utilization for May is estimated to rise to 74.5% versus 73.7% in April.
10:30 am EST
  • Bloomberg consensus estimates call for a weekly crude oil inventory decline of -1,000,000 barrels versus a -1,829,000 barrel decline the prior week. Gasoline supplies are expected unch. versus a -8K barrel decline the prior week. Distillate inventories are estimated to rise by +1,000,000 barrels versus a +1,836,000 barrel gain the prior week. Finally, Refinery Utilization is expected unch. versus a +1.6% gain the prior week.
Upcoming Splits
  • None of note
Other Potential Market Movers
  • The Fed's Bernanke speaking, Fed's Plosser speaking, weekly MBA mortgage applications report, Bloomberg Global Confidence Index, Think Equity Healthcare Conference, BofA Merrill Transport Conference, William Blair Growth Conference, Goldman Sachs Healthcare Conference, (MT) investor event, (ERTS) analyst meeting, (TD) investor day and the (IPI) analyst day could also impact trading today.
BOTTOM LINE: Asian indices are higher, boosted by commodity and automaker shares in the region. I expect US stocks to open mixed and to weaken into the afternoon, finishing modestly lower. The Portfolio is 75% net long heading into the day.

Stocks Sharply Higher into Final Hour on Options Expiration, Short-Covering, Less Energy Sector Pessimism, Technical Buying

Broad Market Tone:

  • Advance/Decline Line: Substantially Higher
  • Sector Performance: Every Sector Rising
  • Volume: Below Average
  • Market Leading Stocks: Performing In Line
Equity Investor Angst:
  • VIX 25.99 -9.13%
  • ISE Sentiment Index 109.0 +32.93%
  • Total Put/Call .83 -23.15%
  • NYSE Arms .28 -80.42%
Credit Investor Angst:
  • North American Investment Grade CDS Index 122.06 bps +1.17%
  • European Financial Sector CDS Index 153.60 bps +1.68%
  • Western Europe Sovereign Debt CDS Index 139.0 bps +.36%
  • Emerging Market CDS Index 272.40 bps -1.74%
  • 2-Year Swap Spread 32.0 -2 bps
  • TED Spread 47.0 -2 bps
Economic Gauges:
  • 3-Month T-Bill Yield .07% +2 bps
  • Yield Curve 254.0 +1 bp
  • China Import Iron Ore Spot $143.10/Metric Tonne unch.
  • Citi US Economic Surprise Index -12.10 +1.5 points
  • 10-Year TIPS Spread 2.02% +2 bps
Overseas Futures:
  • Nikkei Futures: Indicating +178 open in Japan
  • DAX Futures: Indicating +25 open in Germany
  • Higher: On gains in my Technology, Retail, Medical and Biotech long positions
  • Disclosed Trades: None
  • Market Exposure: 75% Net Long
BOTTOM LINE: Today's overall market action is bullish as the S&P 500 trades substantially higher, near session highs, despite quite a bit of negative news. On the positive side, Airline, Networking, Semi, Oil Service, Alt Energy and Coal stocks are especially strong, rising 3.0%+. Cyclical shares are outperforming again. Tech trades very well. Copper is rising another +.9% today. Weekly retail sales rose +3.1% this week versus a +3.6% gain the prior week, but up from a +2.4% gain the first week of May. On the negative side, Retail, Hospital, HMO, Medial, I-Banking, Computer Service and Telecom shares are underperforming. The Greece sovereign cds is rising +10.6%% to 858.63 bps today. It has only been higher on 4 other days since the crisis began. Moreover, the Spain sovereign cds is rising +10.2% to 246.72 bps and the California municipal cds is rising +3.2% to 295 bps, which is the highest its been since February. Lumber is dropping another -1.2% today to another new 52-week low. Lumber has plunged -37.5% since April 21st. The much-larger-than-expected decline in the NAHB Index today also bodes poorly for a continutation of the US housing recovery. Most credit default swaps are not confirming the recent move higher in global equities, which is also a large red flag. The S&P 500 is rising just above its 200-day moving average today on below average volume. So far, this is not a convincing breakout. As well, I suspect much of today's move is related to options expiration on Friday and the ongoing short-covering bounce in the euro. I expect US stocks to trade modestly lower into the close from current levels on rising sovereign debt angst, more shorting and profit-taking.