Friday, January 04, 2008

Bearish Sentiment Still Exceeds Levels Seen at Lows of 2000-2003 Bear Market

* Notwithstanding historical individual investor pessimism, corporate insiders continue to buy their own stocks.

The AAII percentage of bulls dropped to 25.71% this week from 30.0% the prior week. This reading remains at depressed levels. The AAII percentage of bears rose to 55.24% this week from 50.0% the prior week. This reading remains at an elevated level. Moreover, the 10-week moving average of the percentage of bears is currently at 47.4%, a very elevated level. It has only been higher one other period in its history, which was September 1990-December 1990. Moreover, the 10-week moving average of the percentage of bears peaked at 43.0% right near the major bear market low during 2002. It is astonishing that the 10-week moving average of the % bears is currently greater than at any time during the bubble bursting meltdown of 2000-2003, which was arguably the worst stock market decline since the Great Depression.

Furthermore, the 50-week moving average of the percentage of bears is currently 39.1%, also a very elevated level seen during only one other period since tracking began in the 80s. That period was October 1990-July 1991, right near another major stock market bottom. The extreme reading of the 50-week moving average of the percentage of bears during that period peaked at 41.6% on Jan. 31, 1991. The current reading of 39.1% is above the peak during the 2000-2003 bear market, which was 38.1% on April 10, 2003. I find this even more astonishing, notwithstanding the recent pullback, given that the S&P 500 is currently 96.9% higher from the October 2002 major bear market lows and 8.6% off its recent record high.

Individual investor pessimism towards US stocks is currently deep-seated and historical in nature. This is just more evidence of the current “US negativity bubble.” It is also noteworthy that as investor pessimism grows ever thicker, corporate insiders continue to display downright giddy behavior with their recent stock activity during this pullback. It is even more interesting that the retail sector is seeing substantial insider buying, notwithstanding the current extreme investor pessimism towards the prospects for consumer spending. Prior to the 2000 economic downturn, insiders were bailing in droves. I still expect US stocks to turn in a positive return for this quarter as the undying belief in an imminent recession begins to fade and the uncertainty currently surrounding the financial sector lifts substantially.

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