Thursday, September 26, 2024

Friday Watch

Around X:

  • @annvandersteel
  • @TomiLahren
  • @megynkelly
  • @LauraLoomer
  • @JesseBWatters
  • @BehizyTweets
  • @catturd2 
  • @RepTiffany
  • @MJTruthUltra
  • @WallStreetApes
  • @jackunheard
  • BREAKING: The Coca Cola boycott is officially happening. Their new custom website allows the use of "Harris 2024" but prohibits "Trump 2024" due to it being deemed "political in nature" or "offensive." This is election interference. People have also reported that you can use the name "Allah", but not "Jesus" because they restrict "religious figures" to not offend anyone. Last time I checked, "Allah" is a religious figure.
  • @BoLoudon
  • @bennyjohnson
Night Trading 
  • Asian equity indices are +.5% to +1.5% on average.
  • Asia Ex-Japan Investment Grade CDS Index 69.0 -1.5 basis points.
  • China Sovereign CDS 58.5 -2.5 basis points.
  • China Iron Ore Spot 100.8 USD/Metric Tonne +2.3%
  • Bloomberg Emerging Markets Currency Index 39.1 -.02%.
  • Bloomberg Global Risk-On/Risk Off Index 58.3 +1.6%.
  • Volatility Index(VIX) futures 18.3 -.26%.
  • Euro Stoxx 50 futures +.24%.
  • S&P 500 futures unch.
  • NASDAQ 100 futures -.06%.  
Morning Preview Links

BOTTOM LINE: Asian indices are higher, boosted by industrial and technology shares in the region. I expect US stocks to open mixed and to rally into the afternoon, finishing modestly higher.  The Portfolio is 100% net long heading into the day.

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