Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Today's Headlines

- US lawmakers may finish an agreement on a $286.5 billion highway bill today, ending a 22-month impasse on legislation that distributes gasoline taxes to states for road construction, House and Senate aides said.

Wall Street Journal:
- The US economy is in a stronger position than a few years ago, because of the economic policies pursued by President Bush, said Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan’s likely replacement.
- Investors in June withdrew about $2.3 billion from Standard & Poor’s Depository Receipts.
- Comcast may mount a challenge to Walt Disney’s ESPN.
- Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and other soft-drink companies may voluntarily restrict the sale of their beverages in schools.
- Boeing is doing such a good business that the company helped to reduce the US trade deficit by 6%, mostly on exports of aircraft and aircraft parts.

NY Times:
- The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission yesterday said it supported a plan to introduce six hybrid taxicabs as early as this fall.

- China’s central bank “intervened” in the final minutes of trading today to push its currency to the lowest since the country revalued the yuan on July 21. The People’s Bank of China was demonstrating to investors that it doesn’t want the currency to rise further for now.

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