Sunday, June 30, 2024

Monday Watch

Today's Headlines

Zero Hedge: 

Wall Street Journal:

Fox News:

The Epoch Times:

Around X:
  • @CollinRugg
  • @EndWokeness 
  • @TheChiefNerd
  • @wideawake_media
  • @toobaffled
  • @JamesMelville 
  • @JohnRuddick2
  • @newstart_2024
  • @Artemisfornow
  • @ChuckCallesto
  • @WallStreetApes
  • @Sav_says_
  • WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: SF PRIDE- A man lies in an inflatable pool of urine in The Fetish Zone where attendees are encouraged to pee on him. Other booths featured participants getting spanked, whipped and imitating sex acts on each other, all in public. (video)
  • @gregkellyusa
  • @goddeketal
  • HOW THE GLOBALISTS HIJACKED SCIENCE. In this post, as a canceled scientist, I'll expose how the ruling elite hijacked science for their pseudotheories: First, they ensured that scientists at universities are no longer permanently employed but are hired on a precarious project basis for 3-4 years. Second, a scientist only gets a grant for a project if it fits within the rigid and ideological framework of the funding organization. These almost always mandate gender, equality, inclusion, and climate change. Third, if you don’t comply and integrate these politically charged issues into your funding application, you will not get a job. This system ensures that only sycophantic, uncritical scientists receive funding grants.
Night Trading
  • Asian indices are -.5% to +.5% on average.
  • Asia Ex-Japan Investment Grade CDS Index 98.5 -.5 basis point.
  • China Sovereign CDS 66.25 -.25 basis point.
  • China Iron Ore Spot 106.7 USD/Metric Tonne -.02%.
  • Bloomberg Emerging Markets Currency Index 39.1 -.01%.
  • Bloomberg Global Risk-On/Risk Off Index 59.4 +2.8%.
  • Volatility Index(VIX) futures 14.9 -.6%. 
  • Euro Stoxx 50 futures +1.0%.
  • S&P 500 futures +.22%.
  • NASDAQ 100 futures +.23%.

BOTTOM LINE: Asian indices are mostly higher, boosted by technology and industrial shares in the region. I expect US stocks to open modestly higher and to weaken into the afternoon, finishing mixed.  The Portfolio is 75% net long heading into the week.

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