Monday, July 29, 2024

Mid-Day Market Internals

NYSE Composite Index:

  • Volume Running -10.9% Below 100-Day Average 
  • Nasdaq/NYSE Volume Ratio 12.5 +.2
  • 7 Sectors Declining, 4 Sectors Rising
  • 38.5% of Issues Advancing, 59.1% Declining 
  • TRIN/Arms 1.48 +51.0%
  • Non-Block Money Flow +$32.0M
  • 144 New 52-Week Highs, 10 New Lows
  • 66.1% (-.5%) of Issues Above 200-day Moving Average
  • Average 14-Day RSI 58.0 -1.0
  • Bloomberg Global Risk-On/Risk-Off Index 52.0 -.9%
  • Bloomberg Cyclicals/Defensives Index 234.8 +.1%
  • Russell 1000: Growth/Value 19,475.5 +.36%
  • CNN Fear & Greed Index 44.0 (FEAR) -1.0
  • 1-Day Vix 12.5 -18.6%
  • Vix 17.1 +4.2%
  • Total Put/Call .92 -11.5%

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