Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thursday Watch

Around X:

  • @elonmusk
  • @TuckerCarlson
  • @bennyjohnson
  • @DC_Draino
  • @nicksortor
  • @WallStreetApes
  • @scrippsnews
  • @BehizyTweets
  • @MarioNawfal
  • IRAN VOWS RESPONSE TO ATTACK ON ENVOY IN LEBANON. Iran will follow up on the pager explosion attacks against its envoy in Lebanon, reserving its rights under international law to take "necessary measures," according to a letter from Iran's UN envoy. The letter emphasizes Iran’s commitment to responding to the incident. (pic)
  • @MarioNawful
  • HEZBOLLAH RADIO EXPLOSIONS LARGER THAN PAGER BLASTS. Today’s Hezbollah radio explosions caused far more damage than yesterday’s pager blasts. Casualties are now in the hundreds, however, expected to rise, but compared to thousands from the previous day it appears that Hezbollah operatives may have stopped using some of the impacted devices.
  • DIDDY'S LIFE 'IN DANGER' AT NYC JAIL, FORMER WARDEN WARNS. Sean "Diddy" Combs is in serious danger at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), where violent inmates may target him, according to former warden Cameron Lindsay. Diddy, 54, is being held in the Special Housing Unit awaiting trial for sex trafficking, after being denied bail.
  • @amuse
  • TX ELECTION INTEGRITY: Something is rotten in Texas. Around March of this year a number of independent journalists began reporting that Texas was registering a record number of voters without ID using the Social Security Administration's HAVV No-ID Voter Database. Based on the data the SSA was reporting it appeared as if Texas was registering around a million voters per month without ID. Very quickly
    @GovAbbott's Secretary of State @TXsecofstate issued a statement that Texas voter rolls had only increased 57,711 in 2024.
Night Trading 
  • Asian equity indices are -.25% to +.75% on average.
  • Asia Ex-Japan Investment Grade CDS Index 95.75 -.75 basis point.
  • China Sovereign CDS 58.0 -.5 basis point.
  • China Iron Ore Spot 91.2 USD/Metric Tonne +.5%
  • Bloomberg Emerging Markets Currency Index 39.94 -.08%.
  • Bloomberg Global Risk-On/Risk Off Index 52.0 +2.8%.
  • Volatility Index(VIX) futures 18.8 +.32%.
  • Euro Stoxx 50 futures +.70%.
  • S&P 500 futures +.49%.
  • NASDAQ 100 futures +.75%.  
Morning Preview Links

BOTTOM LINE: Asian indices are mostly higher, boosted by industrial and technology shares in the region. I expect US stocks to open modestly higher and to weaken into the afternoon, finishing mixed.  The Portfolio is 75% net long heading into the day.

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